Amidst the vast savannas and bustling urban centers of Africa, a new era of transformation is taking shape—one driven by the boundless potential of Artificial Intelligence. As AI gains momentum across the continent, one group emerges as the architects of progress, the pioneers of change—African think tanks. These intellectual powerhouses hold the key to fully unlocking AI’s transformative force, ushering in an era of sustainable development, innovation, and empowerment for Africa.


Across Africa, AI, in its infant stage, is being harnessed to tackle a diverse array of challenges, ranging from poverty and disease to climate change and food security. Think tanks, however, have emerged as indispensable drivers of development and progress, offering research-based solutions, policy guidance, and a platform for fostering innovation to address unique challenges and promote sustainable growth. Undoubtedly, African think tanks play a critical role in advancing various aspects of development on the continent, particularly in the realm of AI. These institutions are independent research bodies with a focused mission on generating knowledge, conducting policy analysis, providing evidence-based recommendations to address societal issues, and understanding the implications of AI adoption to support the development of policies to guide its ethical and responsible usage and advocating for its application in ways that align with Africa’s specific needs.


These think tanks have a deep understanding of the region’s social, economic, and cultural complexities, allowing them to explore AI applications tailored to address critical challenges. Through their research endeavors, African think tanks delve into AI applications tailored to Africa’s distinctive economic, social, and cultural landscape, seeking to create solutions that effectively address pressing challenges like healthcare accessibility, agricultural productivity, and education. Moreover, they foster a conducive environment for AI innovation by collaborating with various organizations to promote the advancement of AI usage in Africa. Research ICT Africa (RIA) got funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC ) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in Feb 2021 and commenced the “Africa Just AI Project” with the agenda focused on four main areas (Beneficial AI and sustainable development, Security, risk mitigation and trust, Artificial intelligence and renewable energy in Africa, AI algorithmic governance and data justice) with the aim to not only to develop AI systems but also to govern them justly. (i)


In the realm of policy formulation, think tanks engage with policymakers to design guidelines and regulations that prioritize ethical AI practices, safeguard privacy, and promote inclusive development. By guiding the development of AI policies, African think tanks ensure that the potential of this technology is harnessed responsibly, leading to equitable growth and societal benefits. As African countries embrace AI, these think tanks provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that AI technologies align with the continent’s unique circumstances and contribute to sustainable progress. Through their ongoing efforts, African think tanks actively shape AI development in Africa, contributing to the continent’s journey towards an AI-driven future that holds promise for transformative change and improved quality of life. The African Centre for Economic Transformation (ACET) received support from the Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) program to release a report earlier this year that explored the potential of AI solutions to inform fiscal and monetary policies for African governments. The report highlighted existing opportunities but also emphasized the urgent need to enhance knowledge, capacity, understanding, and trust in the region to fully leverage the benefits of AI (ii). Apart from its other initiatives, ACET has been actively involved in leveraging AI technology in research. They have demonstrated various endeavors, including partnerships with organizations like Omdena. In late 2022, they launched the AI and the Digital Jobs Gap challenge, which sought to analyze a wide range of datasets such as unemployment rates, graduation statistics, job data, and more. Additionally, they assessed demand data from online job postings and the prevalence of private sector companies in particular industries to identify gaps and skill mismatches. (iii)


Furthermore, various think tanks in Africa have diligently explored the continent’s readiness for adopting AI. Notably, the Nigerian-based Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) released the “AI Readiness in Africa” report in April 2023, shedding light on critical challenges faced by Africa in preparing for AI adoption. These challenges include limited AI-supportive facilities and infrastructure, weak data protection regulations, a shortage of skilled AI professionals, and an unclear regulatory framework for AI. The report also offers valuable recommendations for addressing these hurdles, such as increased investment in AI infrastructure and the establishment of clear regulatory frameworks. Emphasizing the transformative potential of AI to enhance African lives, the article underscores the necessity for African countries to embrace AI wholeheartedly to realize these benefits. (iv)


While think tanks play a pivotal role in driving AI democratization, it is essential to acknowledge that they may face certain challenges in their mission. Limited funding and resources could hinder the scalability of their initiatives, and the shortage of skilled AI professionals in the region may pose a barrier to implementing AI solutions effectively. The journey toward harnessing the full potential of AI in Africa requires collective action and collaboration. These think tanks, while influential, cannot single-handedly achieve their missions without the unwavering support and joint efforts of other key stakeholders and players. Governments, private enterprises, academia, and civil society all have a crucial role to play in shaping an inclusive and sustainable AI ecosystem that benefits every segment of society. To achieve this vision, it is vital for stakeholders to prioritize knowledge-sharing, foster partnerships, and invest in building the necessary infrastructure and resources.

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